Jamie Lindsay – A Lifetime To Forget You

The new country power ballad from Jamie Lindsay.

Jamie Lindsay is an artist who won’t be boxed in and his new single, ‘A Lifetime To Forget You’, is musical proof.

“This song is a really big power ballad from me with a cool story in the chorus,” he said.

“It’s about falling head over heels for someone the second you meet them and are absolutely consumed by them and you know, that whatever happens, you’re never going to forget that love.”

“It stemmed from labelling myself as a country rock artist – sometimes I’ll be more on the country side and, at other times, a little more on the rock side.”

The NSW Central Coast artist grew up on a healthy diet of country, mixed with strong influences from bands including Bon Jovi, Aerosmith and other rock powerhouses.

“From a songwriting point of view, ‘A Lifetime To Forget You’ could be about a crush or it could be the love of your life – we’ve all had that feeling,” he said.

“From a producer’s point of view, I wanted it to be like those ’80’s and ’90’s power rock ballads because I want to stretch my wings and the last thing I want to do is repeat myself.”

As a singer, songwriter and producer, Jamie said he wanted to demonstrate to music lovers what he could do, without being labelled and boxed into one style of country.

“I don’t want to be predictable and I’m going to song write for me,” he said.

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