Felicity Dowd – Honeycomb & Glue

You know you’re on a winner when your new single becomes a wedding song for couples before it’s even released.

Felicity Dowd’s latest single, ‘Honeycomb and Glue’, flowed from her pen in just 20 minutes and, sees the young artist delves into the complexities of a mature relationship.

Honeycomb and Glue is a metaphor for those relationships that consist of two people who don’t seem to be compatible, argue a lot, but stick together.

“This song has seemed to connect well with so many different people. It’s about the couples that don’t make sense on paper, they’re a bit abrasive, but no matter what, they’re strong relationships and stick together through thick and thin,” Felicity said.

“They support each other through hard times. This can also relate to families, and all those connections that can last through as many different circumstances as possible – that’s a beautiful thing. I think of this as a mature love song because they’re stuck in love. The song is also very Australian.”

The song has struck such a chord with listeners that couples have approached the NSW South Coast singer-songwriter to ask if they could have it as ‘their song’.

“It’s a bit of an honour,” she said.

“I’m hoping just to reach as many different people as possible. It’s different to my other songs like ‘Blue Skies’ and shows that it doesn’t have a political issue at hand, but it has a universal theme that everyone can relate to it.”

Felicity will wrap up her extensive tour that has taken her through NSW, South Australia and Victoria on release day, July 21, before she jumps back into the real world with her University of Wollongong studies in media.

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